Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hello from Lok

Dear all,
Welcome to the blog for the Venezuela mission trip!! First of all, may I ask you spend some time to pray for us ...now? It is ok if it's only 1 or 2 mins (of course I wish you can pray more :), but the reason is: without prayer, I am afraid our work will become useless. Because after all, we need God to go with us or else we are just doing our own things.

Please pray that...
1. A heart of prayer for each mission team members, that we can give all ourselves to God and have Him to be in control.

2. God will fill our heart with peace, and faith to believe He is going to complete His work there.

3. Holy Spirit goes before us to reach the heart of unchurched at Venezuela, and the heart of brothers and sisters there so we can build up one another spiritually.

4. Our trip will be under God's protection... and that we can also enjoy the time there!

Thanks for reading my long blog.. I will blog more soon! See you!



  1. Of course! I will continue to pray for you all. Also I asked my Hong Kong church's brothers and sisters pray for you guys too.

  2. Glad to know you have been in the harvest field. I will keep praying for you all. May Holy Spirit guides you in every single thing and words out of your mouth.

    Brother Paul
